The story behind Lori G Ashley® USA


Lori G Ashley®’s story is one of remarkable resilience and transformation, intertwined with beauty and self-discovery. From a young age, her life has been marked by extraordinary challenges and inspiring triumphs.

Lori is a fraternal twin. Born with heterochromia, Lori's unique eye coloration symbolized her distinctive path in life. Her early years were shaped by the foster care system, a journey that began at the age of six. At twelve, she was adopted into a new family. Although Lori admits the bad experience from her life in the foster/adoptive care system, she now believes all the bad has given her tools in life for survival that most people don’t have. She said, “Even the bad turns into good in ways you never realize at the time.”

Tragedy struck when Lori was involved in a severe car accident caused by a drunk driver. The accident led to autoresuscitation and necessitated extensive facial reconstruction. It was during her recovery that she met her biological grandmother, who introduced her to the world of natural skin remedies. This encounter planted the seeds for Lori’s future career in cosmetic and skin care. This encounter is what inspired Lori to attend cosmetology school when her youngest son was a year old, eventually leading into her dive of creating all natural skin care and cosmetic products.

Lori enlisted in the military at seventeen. Her time in active duty not only honed her discipline and strength but also led her to meet and marry her first husband, also an active duty service member, in August 1982. Together, they faced many of life’s trials, but their journey together was marked by profound sorrow with the loss of their firstborn daughter, which ultimately led to their divorce. 3 decades later, Lori and her ex crossed paths again. They remain friends to this day, living far apart. Lori admits he will always hold a special place in her heart as a very dear friend.

Lori ‘s next pregnancy revealed the cause of her inability to carry a child to term was due to internal injury suffered from a pedophile at age 5. McDonald's Cerclage enabled her to have 4 living children almost back to back before a medically required Radical hysterectomy. Although having all her children so young, she feels blessed and thankful that G-d allowed her life to be gifted with children she thought she would never be able to carry. She is also blessed with ten grandchildren to date.

Lori’s second husband is deceased. Her 3rd husband was a court ordered common law marriage, whom she divorced soon after complying with and obtaining the court ordered marriage certificate. Lori has remained single since and insists she will never re-marry as long as she lives.

Lori G Ashley®’s quest for identity and heritage began with her adoption, igniting a deep-seated curiosity about her biological family. This journey of discovery has not only connected her with her roots but also unveiled a rich tapestry of history and culture.

Driven by an insatiable desire to learn about her biological parents, Lori embarked on an extensive research journey. Her exploration revealed fascinating aspects of her maternal family. On her maternal side, Lori uncovered historical facts that extended beyond the conventional teachings taught in schools. She traced her lineage back to the not so esteemed Captain Johnson, an Englishman Captain of a sister ship to the Mayflower, marking her family with a remarkable connection to early American history. Her maternal grandmother told her of the native American lineage mixed with the Englishmen of America during the period Native American people hid their identity to avoid reservation life.

On her paternal side, Lori's research was equally enlightening. She discovered that her paternal grandmother was born in Damascus, Syria, and her paternal grandfather in Lebanon. Her paternal grandparents, originally named Abood, had two children and immigrated lawfully to the United States. The narrative took another turn when Lori’s paternal grandmother divorced Mr. Abood and remarried to Mr. Clegg, a man without children of his own. Through this marriage, Mr. Clegg adopted Lori’s father, changing his last name from Abood to Clegg. Lori referred to herself as a mix breed mut, proud to be an American like the vast majority of every one else here are in America..

Lori’s dedication to uncovering her lineage has provided her with a profound understanding of her heritage. This knowledge not only enriches her personal identity but also informs her broader perspective on history and culture. Through her journey, Lori G Ashley® exemplifies the power of curiosity and the deep connections that can be found in exploring one’s roots. It has also helped her create her recipes from what she learned from her family heritage research.

Lori’s life has many twists and turns that she asked a vast amount of her life journey and experiences be omitted here. Example: Lori used her middle name for privacy reasons when she served as one of South Carolina’s largest, 3rd option, state wide Home School Association Director for 10 years, NBHSA SC. Stories that should be told during the implementation of the not so patriotic “Patriot Act” are disturbing and shocking.

Lori is very politically knowledgeable beginning in 2000 and through her time as a citizen journalist and an online blog talk radio host, “Politics News Aja”. In 2023, Lori agreed to be a Delegate and 2nd VP for the First Congressional District, Knightsville, South Carolina Republican Party. Lori has led a fascinating life that continues to this day.

All of Lori’s life experiences have accumulated into who and where she is today. Lori chooses to focus on her family and the Brand’s current and future growth .

This piece is posted public from a recent interview with Lori G Ashley®.

Lori Ashley

Lori G Ashley® USA is an American, Veteran, Woman owned business.
We manufacture & distribute our own formulated, USA Trademark Name Brand products in Summerville, South Carolina.

Wellness magazine features Lori G Ashley® Brand